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OCHA-oPt socio-economic fact sheet




Poverty definition:

The PCBS has developed two poverty lines according to the actual spending patterns of a Palestinian average household of six individuals. The first line is the 'absolute (deep) poverty line' that reflects a budget for food, clothing and housing. The second line is the 'relative poverty line' that adds other necessities such as health care, education, transportation, personal care (i.e. cosmetics, hairdresser and other hygiene personal items) and housekeeping supplies (i.e. hygiene domestic items and cooking utensils). In 2006, the relative poverty line and the absolute poverty line for the average household in the oPt stood at a monthly income of less than 2,300 NIS (USD 518) and 1,837 NIS (USD 414) respectively.

a) Poverty rates in the oPt, West Bank and Gaza Strip


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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