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World Bank approves US$8.5 million grant for Liberia

Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project (LIRP)

Washington, November 15, 2006 - The World Bank approved on November 14, another grant totaling US$8.5 million to the Government of Liberia to support its infrastructural regeneration programs.

The transport sector in Liberia prior to the civil war included road and railway networks, civil aviation, and several ports. Today, the railway network does not exist, civil aviation is limited to Monrovia with only UN flights operating upcountry, and the Port of Monrovia is the only operational port in the country. During the years of conflict, the sector was able to undertake intermittent maintenance activities but no periodic maintenance. Partial rehabilitation and new construction were sporadic and limited in scope. As a result of the chronic underinvestment and lack of maintenance, the rehabilitation requirements of the sector today are enormous.

Two critical areas needing urgent rehabilitation are the Port of Monrovia and Roberts International Airport. The Port is the supply line of the country both in terms of food and fuel. Any disruption in the services of the Port affects the entire economy, increasing commodity prices (especially of rice and fuel), and jeopardizing stability. Also needing urgent refurbishment and repair at the Airport are basic infrastructure and equipment, including air safety equipment. The project components are:

Most of the grant will cover Infrastructure Rehabilitation, specifically focusing on Monrovia Port and Roberts International Airport.

Specific work to be carried out at Monrovia Port will include dredging of the Port, upgrading the Oil Jetty at the Port and the provision of Fire Fighting capacity.

Rehabilitation of Roberts International Airport will entail the installation of navigational, aeronautical, meteorological and security equipment.

A fraction of the grant will be used for Technical Assistance and Capacity Building for Relevant Government Institutions. This will include support to develop a strategic framework for the sub-sectors, as well as targeted training in National Port Authority and Roberts International Airport to complement normalization of operations.

A small amount will go towards Project Management. This will support the Ministry of Public Works through a Special Implementation Unit which has been set up to provide coordination, procurement, M&E and support to safeguard management. Financial Management will be under the auspices of the Ministry of Finance, through a Project Financial Management Unit, also in the process of being set up.

This brings the total World Bank grant assistance to Liberia, this year, to more than US$84 million.