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Indonesia: PMI Deploy Three Water Tank Trucks at Bromo

PMI Probolinggo Crisis Center reported, there was difficulty to access clean water for residents in the vicinity of Bromo. These conditions are some of the impacts of rain ash that have damaged sources of clean water in the surrounding residents at Mount Bromo.

To supports the disaster relief of the eruption of Mount Bromo, PMI deployed three water tanks trucks with a capacity of 8000 liters eachand clean water production device capable of producing thousands of liters of water a day.

"As many as two units of water tank trucks with a capacity of 8000 liters have been dispatched directly from the PMI NHQ in Jakarta on Tuesday (28/12,) and it is targeted to arrive at this evening (29/12) in Probolinggo. Plus one more which has also been dispatched from PMI Malang District to PMI Probolinggo District with a set of tools of clean water production," said Head of Health Division of PMI NHQ, dr. Lilis Wijaya, Wednesday afternoon (29/12).

He explains, PMI deployed equipment of water tank trucks and clean water production device is to help clean the water needs of Probolinggo resident. These devices that were mobilized to Probolinggo are capable of producing clean water to thousands of liters a day.

Besides that, it has scheduled the PMI NHQ also coordinate directly with PMI East Java Province and its nine branches around Mount Bromo, Thursday tomorrow (29/12). The nine branches were PMI Probolinggo District, PMI Probolinggo City, PMI Pasuruan District, PMI Pasuruan City, PMI Lumajang, PMI Malang District, PMI Situbondo District, PMI Bondowoso District, and PMI Jember District.

"The main agenda of this coordination meeting tomorrow, Thursday (30/12) is about disaster managementat Mount Bromo," said Head of Disaster Management Division PMI NHQ, Arifin Muh Hadi, Wednesday afternoon (29/12).

PMI NHQ also sends as many as 200,000 face masks to the PMI East Java Province and then distributed to the affected region of Mount Bromo .*

For more information, please contact: Head of Health Division of PMI NHQ, dr. LilisWijaya, Hp. 087881818465, Head of Disaster Management Division of PMI NHQ, ArifinMuhHadi, Hp.0811943952.